
Absa Partners CAMFED To Train 100 Women

As part of its corporate social responsibility, Absa Bank, in partnership with the Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED), has launched a vocational skills training programme aimed at empowering 100 women.

Nana Essilfuah Tamakloe, Director of Marketing and Corporate Affairs at Absa Ghana, has emphasized that the initiative's goal is to provide employability skills training to 100 marginalized young girls in various vocations.

The training aims to tackle the issue of youth unemployment and enhance employability, especially for women who were unable to continue their education. Additionally, it seeks to alleviate poverty and enhance the standard of living within our communities.

What next

These women after the training will be given mentoring support, grants, certificates as well as start-up kits, especially for those who want to start a business but are unable

"...and for those who would want to be employed, at least we want to give them employability skills so that they can be gainfully employed. With that, they can contribute to society economically and be a pillar for the families and communities" Nana Essilfuah Tamakloe indicated while speaking to Peacefmonline.com

"This is not new; we have a partnership with Mastercard Foundation that supports young SMEs or micro businesses in Ghana and that seeks to tailor to women who need empowerment financially...and so this is not new to Absa Bank; it's actually another extension of our young women empowerment program" she added.

Transformative partnership

Mr Adolph Kpegah, Interim MD, Absa Bank Ghana speaking at the launch described the partnership as transformative; "one that embodies the commitment to shape the future and empowering communities through education and sales development"

"I hope that this programme will inspire many more of a similar nature and serve as a catalyst to uplift women from poverty and stimulate a wave of progress across our communities. By partnering with CAMFED we will ensure social inclusion by targeting marginalized groups based on tried and tested CAMFED approach" he added.

Meanwhile, the Absa Vocational Skills training programme will also be covering an additional 400 women over the next three years